Feb. 10th Virtual or On-Demand 9:00am to 11:00am
Feb. 17th Virtual or On-Demand 9:00am to 11:00am
Schoolwide Training: email Dr. Susan to register your school. You can determine your date and time.
Schoolwide Registration: $1000.00
Vocabulary measures a person's listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities as well as one's general knowledge. Vocabulary size is a strong predictor of future reading, academic, and career success.
In Developing Vocabulary for Reading Success – Online, participants learn strategies for learning specific vocabulary such as word webs and word-learning strategies, using contextual clues. Sessions are offered face to face as well.
Focused instruction on specific needs; Tier II instruction; Reading Workstation
3 hours
Vocabulary Strategies for Struggling Readers
Enroll now, have immediate access!
Registration Fee:
Virtual or On Demand- $69.00
Face to Face - $125.00 (Limited Seating)
Includes All Meals and Workbooks