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New Teacher Institute
Face to Face or Virtual 

July 30, 2024


Location: NLI Training Center 

7539 South Fwy

Houston, Texas 77021

2024 Summer New Teacher Institute


Teaching in today's educational landscape presents greater challenges than ever before, and educational leaders are tasked with the vital responsibility of retaining high-quality teachers. Our mission is to empower new teachers, ensuring they are equipped to effectively utilize their time, energy, and enthusiasm, thereby fostering their satisfaction and effectiveness as educators. Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to supporting new teachers, we strive to offer tailored support that addresses their unique needs and circumstances.


In close collaboration with district partners, the New Teacher Institute provides comprehensive training complemented by ongoing support in the field. Our goal is to furnish new teachers with the necessary tools, skills, and resources to excel in their roles. The program focuses on enhancing teachers' abilities to cultivate meaningful relationships with students, establish a culture of academic excellence, and deliver instruction of the highest quality. Through this initiative, we aim to empower new teachers to navigate the complexities of modern education and thrive in their professional endeavors.


Who Should Attend

Independent school educators in the first three years of their teaching experience.


Why Attend

This energizing Institute will provide new teachers with the strategies essential for a successful start to their teaching careers. The Institute will also allow participants to begin building the foundations for long and successful careers in independent schools. Sessions and content will reflect best practices and will support the development of skills in the essential understandings of teaching and learning in today’s schools:


  • Understanding School

  • Working with Today’s Parents

  • Classroom Management: Routines and Procedures

  • Using Technology to Increase Student Engagement, Voice & Choice

  • Communication Basics

  • Legal Basics for Educators

  • Cultural Competencies for Educators

  • Supporting Student Wellness

  • Ongoing opportunities to share, process and discuss with colleagues in similar roles

Benefits to the School

School communities expect and require new teachers to be highly effective on the first day of school. Often, there is more information than can be processed effectively without overloading the new teacher. Participants will learn best practices at a manageable pace to help them succeed and fully commit to your school.

Day 1


  1. The Importance of the First Days The first days of school set the tone for the entire academic year. This workshop delves into the critical role that the initial days and weeks play in establishing classroom culture, routines, and expectations. Educators will discover practical strategies for creating welcoming environments, building community among students, and laying the groundwork for academic success. By prioritizing intentional planning and fostering positive connections from day one, teachers can ensure a smooth transition and set students up for a year of growth and achievement.

  2. Using Technology to Increase Student Engagement, Voice & Choice In today’s digital age, technology offers endless opportunities to enhance student learning and participation. This workshop explores innovative ways to leverage technology tools and platforms to increase student engagement, amplify student voice, and promote student choice in the classroom. Educators will discover practical applications of technology that empower students to take ownership of their learning, collaborate with peers, and demonstrate creativity and critical thinking skills. By integrating technology strategically, teachers can create dynamic learning experiences that cater to diverse student interests and preferences.

  3. What New Teachers Need Transitioning into the teaching profession can be overwhelming, and new teachers often face unique challenges and uncertainties. This workshop provides valuable insights into the essential support and resources that new teachers require to thrive in their roles. Participants will explore practical strategies for managing workload, establishing effective classroom management techniques, and prioritizing self-care and professional growth. By addressing the specific needs and concerns of new teachers, this workshop equips educators with the knowledge and confidence to navigate their early years in the profession successfully.

  4. Tips for New Teachers: Avoiding the Most Common Mistakes Transitioning into the teaching profession can be challenging, and new teachers often encounter common pitfalls along the way. In this workshop, participants will learn practical tips and strategies for navigating their first years in the classroom successfully. From establishing routines and managing time effectively to building positive relationships with students and colleagues, this workshop offers valuable insights to help new teachers avoid common mistakes and thrive in their roles.

  5. Communication Basics: Surviving a Bear Attack Effective communication is a vital skill for educators, but it can sometimes feel as daunting as facing a bear in the wilderness. This workshop takes a light-hearted approach to exploring the fundamentals of communication, providing participants with practical strategies for expressing themselves clearly, listening actively, and engaging with students, parents, and colleagues effectively. By learning how to navigate communication challenges with confidence and poise, educators can build stronger relationships, resolve conflicts, and create a positive and supportive learning environment.

  6. The Importance of Classroom Management Effective classroom management is essential for creating a conducive learning environment where students can thrive academically and socially. In this workshop, educators will delve into the principles and practices of classroom management, exploring strategies for establishing clear expectations, maintaining a positive and orderly atmosphere, and addressing behavioral challenges effectively. By prioritizing proactive approaches to classroom management and fostering a culture of respect and responsibility, teachers can maximize instructional time and optimize student learning outcome.

Registration Information & Fees

Registration Fees

  • $50 per person  Face to Face  All meals included!

  • (You can make 2 installments) 

  • $35 per person Virtual 

  • Each participant must register themselves for the New Teacher Institute.

  • The New Teacher Institute is open to new teachers



Cancellation & Questions?

Cancellation Policy
No refunds will be provided for the New Teacher Institute. Registration may be transferred to another member from the same school until Friday, July 12th.


Please contact our office for support.  866-921-5849 

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