Services We Provide
Why schools partner The National Literacy Institute
We help educators improve reading and writing instruction with strategies that are simple and effective.
Our professional development is so practical that you can start implementing right away—whether you are new to teaching or a seasoned veteran.
Professional learning with The National Literacy Institute is always high-energy, engaging, and provides the boost you need to return to the classroom!

Transform instruction so that every student excels!
Teachers matter. In fact, a good teacher has two to three times the impact of any other school factor.* That’s why we at the National Literacy Institute focus on improving instructional practices so that all students receive the support and the high-quality equitable instruction they need to achieve.
The National Literacy Institute works with school leaders to design and implement a customized, multi-year professional learning plan that includes a combination of workshops, job-embedded professional learning, curriculum implementation, and support so that evidence-based instruction takes root and leads to lasting change.
Since we opened our doors in 2003, the NLPDC has been helping teachers helping students fulfill their potential. We do this through personalized and tailored professional development sessions, working hand-in-hand with the student’s classroom teachers for the most efficient learning.
Our goal is simple: To create learning success stories, one student at a time.